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Thursday, July 17, 2014

The devil comes in many guises...

waiting at the traffic signal...

The countdown to the traffic light turning red had started - 9 8 7 6 ....The car raced to beat the countdown but a mother and child crossing the road thwarted its attempt .We screeched to a halt . The driver looked straight ahead.  I idly turned my gaze left and then wished I hadn,t . A ( here I grope for the right word- so used am  I  to using 'it' for them) eunuch had just swayed towards us ."Please, please don't let her/him come to me". It didn't.

 A red santro had drawn alongside and proved the adage right that red cannot be ignored
 ( o.k - I admit I just made up that one !). Just then my cell beeped a message and with  reflex reaction I reached for it and looked down to read it ( last chance to avail of a discount on a treatment for balding). In the meantime a conversation had started between the driver of the red and the  eunuch .   I was really not paying much attention to the conversation but just then the car occupant said something so lewd that my ears started burning . I kept looking at my phone, pretending to message, just wanting to be out of that place. The eunuch  said something in reply .This was met with derisive laughter and an even more indecent something  than the first.

Thankfully, the pressing of horns indicated that the light was green. The driver put the car into first gear . Just as we were pulling away  I looked at the red car .I had to see  the scumbag . What I saw was even more shattering than what I had heard. The driver of the car was a very young , good looking ,educated ( looking) man. Just the type any parent would approve of for their daughter!!

The feeling of unease stayed with me for very long - as also two convictions. First, that something has to be very wrong with a society in which the unfortunate are treated so very unfortunately by the 'haves'.

Second , never trust  a baby faced man . The devil comes in many guises.


  1. Very true..Impressions can be deceiving!

  2. Loved reading it :)
    Absolutely love the last line of this post !

  3. People usually make fun of them at traffic signals..I've seen that too..

    Thumbs up for the last line of the post..

  4. I AM feeling uneasy right now ! Every word of your reflection is so true...

  5. The third gender deserves more respect than they get in our 'culture'. As for the seemingly decent looking men acting like brutes, given a chance, well the rot is too deep.

    1. Yes- and seems to be getting deeper and ...

  6. Lol, nice post Anju mam. It is like the same thing which I always tell, is never trust someone from their outlook, trust him based on his character only. Judge him from his way he interact with others...

  7. You're right. Looks can really be deceptive. It is truly disheartening to see how these people at the traffic signal are treated. Interesting read.

  8. Appearance can be deceptive. Who said vulgarity is the prerogative of poor and uneducated?

    1. True.It's just that the educated disguise their vulgarity...

  9. I feel sad reading this! The least we can do for any human being is to treat them with respect! But the problem is many people do not consider the third gender human being! I agree with you that looks could be deceiving.
